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Submit Presentation Ideas

Now Accepting Presentation Ideas!

Presentation ideas will be accepted for the 2018 International Biomass Conference & Expo through December 1, 2017. Presentation ideas may be submitted in one of four tracks:

Track 1: Pellets & Densified Biomass
Track 2: Biomass Power & Thermal
Track 3: Biogas & Waste-to-Energy
Track 4: Advanced Biofuels & Biobased Chemicals

Each presentation idea will be reviewed by a steering committee of qualified industry professionals by December 11, 2017. Speaker presentation acceptance and rejection e-mails will be delivered by December 20, 2017, and the preliminary agenda (all technical breakout sessions) will be posted online the week of December 25, 2017.

Speakers receive a 53% discount on Full-Conference Registration
  View Guideline Specifications Here

We are actively seeking abstracts and presentation ideas in the following subject areas:

Track 1: Pellets & Densified Biomass
  • Dust Management/Fire & Explosion Risk Abatement
  • Pellet Storage Solutions
  • Inbound Material Handling Strategies and Best Practices
  • Plant Design Considerations
  • The Business Case for Non-Pellet Densification Approaches
  • Torrefaction/Enhanced Pellet Production
  • Prolonging Pellet Press Wear Part Life
  • Quality Assurance Programs & Best Practices
  • Feedstock Tracking/Sustainability Requirements
  • Pelletizing Non-Woody Biomass Feedstocks
  • Emissions Control from Drying Lines and Pelletizing Lines
  • Safe Pellet Storage, Handling and Shipping
Track 2: Biomass Power & Thermal
  • Technical Considerations of Biomass Co-firing
  • Maximizing Boiler Performance
  • Small Scale Combined Heat and Power
  • District Biomass Heating
  • Case Studies for Biomass Thermal Deployments
  • Upgraded Biomass as a Coal Replacement
  • Driving State Policy to Create Increased Opportunity for Biomass Heat and Power
  • Clean Power Plan: What it Could Mean for Biomass
  • Gasification
  • Making the Most of Planned Outages
  • Strategic Operation & Maintenance Programs
Track 3: Biogas & Landfill Gas
  • Generating Cellulosic RINs at Biogas Facilities
  • Co-Digestion Approaches
  • Mechanical Approaches to Increased Biogas Production
  • Chemical and Biological Approaches to Increased Biogas Production
  • Digester Case Studies
  • Gas Clean-Up Strategies
  • Digester Deployment at Existing Bioenergy Facilities
  • Biogas at Wastewater Treatment Facilities
  • Digester Design Principles
  • Strategic Operation & Maintenance Programs
  • Deploying Digesters to Manage Brewery and Food Waste Streams
  • Biogas as a Vehicle Fuel
  • Financing a Biogas Project
  • Monetizing Digestate
Track 4: Advanced Biofuels & Biochemicals
  • Project Updates
  • Engineering Workable Supply Chains
  • Agricultural Residue Collection, Aggregation and Storage
  • Storage Strategies: Preserving Feedstock Viability
  • Pretreatment Approaches and Strategies
  • Pyrolysis
  • Non-traditional feedstocks
  • Algal cultivation, harvest and conversion
  • Biological Conversion Strategies
  • Thermochemical Conversion Strategies

Have additional questions? Please send inquiries to:

Tim Portz, Vice President, Content & Executive Editor
BBI International

Specifications for Speaker Presentation Ideas

Specificity: This is crucial for technology or process related abstracts. Make sure your presentation idea promises to convey, in specific terms, how a technology, system or process will improve production, reduce costs, and/or increase value. The abstract should promise to compare a new approach to an old way of doing things, or highlight process/production improvements or technological breakthroughs.

Relevance: The presentation idea should indicate that the presentation will highlight something that will make significant near-term impacts in its given area to a majority of the affected facilities/crops/processes/projects in the region.

Detail: While abstracts do not include schematics, photos, graphics, spreadsheets or pro formas, the abstract should indicate that the speaker will illustrate the effect of the technology/process/business approach by incorporating such visual tools into the presentation.

Understandability: If there are very complex processes or scientific/economic ideas being presented, the abstract should indicate that measures will be taken to make the information understandable (within reason) to a diverse spectrum of conference attendees. 

Word Count: While there is technically no limitations on the length of your abstract, we ask that it be 200 to 400 words in length.

Have additional questions? Please send inquiries to:

Tim Portz, Vice President, Content & Executive Editor
BBI International

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