7:30 am - 8:30 am |
Breakfast Exhibit Hall CD
View Breakfast Menu
Bacon, Egg & Cheese Biscuit Sandwich,
Egg & Cheese Biscuit Sandwich,
Fresh Fruit,
7:30 am - 1:30 pm |
Expo Open Exhibit Hall CD |
8:30 am - 10:00 am |
Track 1: Pellets & Densified Biomass
Hard to Handle I: Mastering the Art of Moving Biomass Streams Efficiently Into and Through Your Production Facility Ballroom CD
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Without mastering the art of handling woody biomass, pellet operators are doomed to a never ending struggle to attain any lasting operational stability or efficiency. Fortunately, the industry is serviced by a cadre of vendors steeped in the best practices of moving woody materials into and through a production facility. Populated with some of the sharpest minds in the space, this panel will offer an impactful survey of the latest thoughts on biomass handling, drying and conveyance.
Moderator: Mike Curci, Sales Manager Biomass Handling Systems, Andritz
- Dane Floyd, President, Biomass Engineering & Equipment
What has the Industry Learned about Conveyors?
- Desmond Smith, Manager, West Coast Office, BRUKS Rockwood Inc.
Complete Wood Handling and Delivery Systems for All Processes
- Carl Romlin, Financial Executive, Drinor
Enhanced Pellet Production
Track 2: Biomass Power & Thermal
Why Setting a Course and Following a Well-Defined Azimuth is Vital to Biomass-to-Energy Project Development Success Ballroom A Read Description
The pathway a biomass-to-energy project must travel is beset with challenges that if not addressed can threaten a project’s overall viability. This panel will highlight those important waypoints and considerations while also helping attendees identify within their own projects any elements that will need refining if they have any hopes of attracting capital and reaching the groundbreaking finish line.
Moderator: Anna Simet, Editor, Biomass Magazine
- Eric Steltzer, Deputy Director- Renewables, Massachusetts Department of Energy Resources
Cracking Biomass in Massachusetts: Opportunities and Challenges to Advance Renewable Thermal Systems
- Chris Urchell, Consultant, Baker Tilly Virchow Krause LLP
Biomass to Energy Facilities: Getting from the Concept to Implementation and all the Detail Along the Way
- Jeffrey Weisz, Managing Member, Green Energy Opportunity Fund LP
Elements of Project Puzzle
- Bill Reeves, President, ESI Inc. of Tennessee
Thermal Energy and Power Generation from Biomass: Finding the Sweet Spot
Track 3: Biogas & Waste-to-Energy
Technical Approaches to Preparing Biogas for Its Most Valuable Use Ballroom B Read Description
Biogas as produced from operating digesters or captured from landfill wells is limited in its utility because of the inclusion of carbon dioxide, water vapor, hydrogen sulfide and sometimes siloxanes. To increase its value and range of downstream uses, it must be purified into a virtually pure methane form. Presentations in this panel will outline the technologies commercially available today to give biogas producers access to the greatest number of downstream markets via an ultra-pure gas product.
Moderator: Valentino Tiangco, Biomass Program Manager, Sacramento Municipal Utility District SMUD
- Phil Gates, Project Manager, Bartlett & West
Biogas Facility Needs 101
- Dick Nixdorf, Chief Technology Officer, CerX LLC
Hot Gas Ceramic Fiber Filter Potential for Cleaning Biogas
- Valentino Tiangco, Biomass Program Manager, Sacramento Municipal Utility District SMUD
Pre-and Post-Combustion NOx Control System with Hydrogen Assistance and Using Microwave Technology for Biogas Engines
- Jeff Tocio, National Sales Manager, Pentair Haffmans
Turning Waste Streams into Value Streams
- William Brundick, Global Technical Services Manager, Schlumberger - Purification Solutions
Purification Techniques for Hydrogen Sulfide Removal
Track 4: Advanced Biofuels & Biobased Chemicals
Conversion Pathways II: The Opportunity Awaiting Biomass in Biofuel's Next Chapter Ballroom E
Read Description
This second in a two-part panel series will expand upon the discussion from the first panel, but will begin pushing into specific conversion approaches. This panel features presentations on new pathways to both ethanol and biodiesel, while still offering content on the ongoing efforts to mine some of the harder lessons from the industry’s earliest second generation production attempts for what they can reveal about harvest and handling, pre-processing approaches and the pre-treatment approaches the industry must perfect to take another step forward.
Moderator: Ron Kotrba, Editor, Biodiesel Magazine
- Martin Mitchell, Sales & Marketing Manager – Americas & Asia Region, Clariant
From Idea to Market: Bringing Cellulosic Ethanol to Scale
- Ravi Jethra, Program Manager, WIKA Instrument Corporation
Improving Reliability Via Diaphragm Seals on Advanced Bioethanol Production Processes
- Douglas Rivers, Independent Contractor/Consultant, Sunflwr Inc.
Technology Advancement Ideas for Cellulosic Biomass Conversion
- Ernie Pollitzer, Owner/Senior Engineer, Clean Energy Consultants
New Technologies for Biodiesel with Unconventional Feedstocks
10:00 am - 10:30 am |
Refreshment Break in the Expo Exhibit Hall CD
View Refreshment Break Menu
Warm Pecan Cinnamon Rolls,
Assorted Scones,
10:30 am - Noon |
Track 1: Pellets & Densified Biomass
Densification 2.0: Novel Approaches Aimed at Extracting More Energy from Varied Biomass Streams Ballroom CD
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Innovation in biomass densification largely concerns itself with two goals; developing technologies to make it possible to densify more feedstock types or delivering a densified product to the marketplace that can be burned in a greater number of appliances. This panel will highlight instances of both and help attendees understand the possibilities for the sector being unlocked by each.
Moderator: Stan Elliot, Vice President, Sales & Marketing, Pacific Coast Pellets
- Magnus Ståhl, Associate Professor
Environmental and Energy Systems, Karlstad University
Mechanical Dewatering has Positive Effects on the Thermal Drying Efficiency and Wood Pellet Quality
- Stefan Frodeson, Lecturer & Doctoral Student, Karlstad University
Pelletizing Pure Biomass Substances: A Way to Increase Waste- and By-Products in the Pellet Production Chain
- Wayne Lei, Chief Technical Officer, Oregon Torrefaction for the U.S. Endowment for Forestry and Communities
Partial and Full Load Tests Using Densified Torrefied Biomass at U.S. Power Plants
Track 2: Biomass Power & Thermal
Ensuring that Your Plant's Safety Protocols Align with Regulatory Guidance and the Industry's Best Available Technologies Ballroom A Read Description
The risk of fire and explosions are inherent in the handling and ultimate conversion of biomass to heat and power. This panel offers a two-pronged discussion that begins with the guidance available to operators looking to better understand their dust hazard risks and concludes with a review of the technologies available to protect employees and plant equipment in the event of a spark or fire incident.
Moderator: Anna Simet, Editor, Biomass Magazine
- Brian Edwards, Director of Engineering, Conversion Technology Inc.
Changes to Dust, Fire and Explosion Prevention Standards
- Sean Dee, Managing Engineer, Exponent Inc.
Finding the Hidden Hazards in Thermal Conversion of Biomass
- Melinda Carter, Territory Sales Manager, Bulwark/Wrangler FR
PPE and Combustible Biofuels: The Often-Overlooked Piece of Protection
- Jeffrey Nichols, Managing Partner, Industrial Fire Prevention LLC
Spark Detection Prevents Fires and Saves Your ASSets!
Track 3: Biogas & Waste-to-Energy
Approaches for Gauging Inbound Feedstock Availability, Its Quality and Its Overall Impact on Digester Performance Ballroom B Read Description
Best in class anaerobic digesters all share a comprehensive understanding of their inbound feedstocks and their impact on biogas production. This panel will help attendees understand why. With presentations looking at availability, surety of supply and digestibility this panel will enable attendees to look at their own feedstock acquisition programs with a sharpened focus and new questions.
Moderator: Tim Portz, Executive Director, Pellet Fuels Institute
- Will Charlton, President, Digester Doc
Increasing Biogas Production through Feedstock Selection, Chemistry and Biology
- Luc De Baere, Managing Director, OWS Inc.
Energy and Compost from the Organic Fraction of MSW
- Brett Hogarth, Director, Business Development, Biomass Advisory Group, Ecostrat Inc.
Best Practices and New Approaches to Predicting Feedstock Availability and Risk
- Derek Hundert, General Manager, PlanET Biogas USA Inc.
Processing of Specified Risk Material as Feedstock for Anaerobic Digestion
Track 4: Advanced Biofuels & Biobased Chemicals
How Savvy Biogas Developers are Leveraging Vehicle Fuel Markets for Increased Revenue Streams Ballroom E
Read Description
While few would have predicted that biogas would have made the contribution it has to the cellulosic RIN pool, everyone developing biogas projects now is weighing the impact of RIN production on project cash flows. The generation of a biogas stream clean and pure enough to enter the vehicle fuels market however is a more capital intensive process. This panel will walk attendees through what it takes to introduce this marketplace opportunity to a project and what downstream markets and the associated RINs can offer producers willing to make the necessary investment.
Moderator: Ali Manesh, President, Attis Innovations/American Science & Technology
- Paul Greene, Design & Construction, CDM Smith
Biogas Upgrading for Lucrative RINs: Technology Comparison
- John Nelson, Director of Construction Sales, T.V. John & Son, Inc.
Renewable Natural Gas: Lessons Learned from an EPC Contractor
- Ernie Pollitzer, Owner/Senior Engineer, Clean Energy Consultants
Biogas Cellulosic RIN Generation
|  |
Noon - 1:30 pm |
Lunch in the Expo Exhibit Hall CD
View Lunch Menu
Chopped Romaine with Herb Crouton, Parmesan Cheese and Cherry Tomatoes, Creamy Garlic and Peppercorn Dressing,
Penne Pasta with Grilled Chicken Sundried Tomatoes and Artichokes,
Broccoli with Garlic Butter,
Bread Stick,
Chef Choice Dessert
1:30 pm - 3:00 pm |
Track 1: Pellets & Densified Biomass
Best Practices in Managing Emissions at Biomass Power and Pellet Production Facilities Ballroom CD Read Description
Particulates and volatile organic compounds are a reality when manufacturing biomass energy or biomass fuel products. Their capture and disposal is a requirement and top of mind for pellet and power producers. With content relevant for both projects under development as well as plants already in operation this panel will outline the technologies available to help operators confidently stay beneath their permitted criteria pollutant levels.
Moderator: Tim Portz, Executive Director, Pellet Fuels Institute
- Tom Wassel, P.E. Air Techniques, ReVenture Park
VOCs and Oxidizers Employed to Eliminate Them
- Rodney Pennington, Vice President, Special Projects, Nestec Inc.
Refurbish Instead of Replace
- Pedro Araujo, CEO, Advanced Cyclone Systems S.A.
ACS´s New Hurricane Cyclone Families Customized to Specific Needs Considering How Inter-Particle Agglomeration (Clustering) Affect Collection Efficiency
- Thomas Dunder, Principal Scientist, TRC Environmental Corp.
Use of Air Emissions Measurement Technologies to Optimize the Co-Firing of Biofuels for Regulatory Emissions Compliance
Track 2: Biomass Power & Thermal
The Argument for a More Thorough and Formal Understanding of Available Biomass, Its Quality and the Overall Risk within the Supply Chain Ballroom A Read Description
Knowing the quantity and quality of available biomass is vital if heat, power or biofuel projects are going to succeed. This panel draws professionals looking to move the industry toward a more formalized and accurate understanding of both. Collectively, these panelists will highlight for attendees how progress towards this more thorough understanding will not only yield more well-considered projects, but may well bring investors back to the table who had previously been unsatisfied with the lack of clarity around feedstock risk.
Moderator: Anna Simet, Editor, Biomass Magazine
- Dean McCraw, Founder/CEO, Phloem
Real Time Tracking of Woody Biomass Supplies
- Jordan Solomon, President, Ecostrat Inc.
U.S. National Standards for Biomass Supply Chain Risk
- Charlie Niebling, Partner, Innovative Natural Resource Solutions LLC
National Wood Chip Heating Fuel Technical Quality Standard: Ready for the U.S. Market!
- Jim Easterly, Biomass Project Manager, Black & Veatch Corp.
Arizona Forest Bioenergy Assessment
Track 3: Biogas & Waste-to-Energy
Getting Biogas Projects Funded and On Their Way to Groundbreaking Ballroom B
Read Description
Biogas operations, despite often having lower capital costs than their biomass marketplace counterparts, are often the most difficult projects to get funded and built. Their variability, often considered an asset in so many other facets of a project’s life, becomes a liability when seeking early investment or debt partners. With this in mind, this panel will highlight approaches that have brought investors and necessary capital to project tables enabling them to finally break ground.
Moderator: Nikolas Patentalakis, Commercial Director, BiogasWorld
- Shlomi Palas, CEO, Blue Sphere Corporation
Financing Biogas Projects
- Janice Tran, Investment Professional, Generate Capital
Getting Financing for Your Biogas Project
- David Gardels, Partner, Husch Blackwell
Navigating the Legal Components of Biogas to RNG/Pipeline Projects
- Brad Pleima, Senior Engineer, EcoEngineers
Navigating the Hurdles of Biogas to RNG/Pipeline Projects
Track 4: Advanced Biofuels & Biobased Chemicals
All About the Money: Strategies for Getting Your Project over the Capitalization Hump Ballroom E Read Description
Capital is the lifeblood of projects and without it, there really is just an idea. Presenters in this panel will illustrate how ideas can gain capitalization momentum, pushing a project out of the idea phase and generating some momentum of its own. Early stage capitalization, debt and equity partners are all discussed. A discussion on maximizing revenue streams with low-carbon incentives will also be included. Attendees hoping to better assess where exactly they are in an already difficult development stage will appreciate these honest and straightforward presentations.
Moderator: Ron Kotrba, Editor, Biodiesel Magazine
- Jordan Godwin, Senior Journalist, OPIS
RINs & LCFS Credits: Incentives Galore
- Benjamin Hubbard, Principal, Nexus Program Management Group
What You Must Know When Seeking Project Financing
- Mark Riedy, Partner & Head of Energy Team, Kilpatrick Townsend & Stockton LLP
Creative U.S. and International Debt and Equity Financing Mechanisms for Bioeconomy Projects and Technology Companies
- Scott Warfield, Director, CERES Project Services
One is the Loneliest Number: Why a Strategic Partner Might be Your Best Bet to Get Your Project Funded and Moving Forward
3:00 pm - 3:30 pm |
Refreshment Break Ballroom Lobby
View Refreshment Break Menu
Assorted Novelty Ice Cream Bars,
3:30 pm - 5:00 pm |
Track 2: Biomass Power & Thermal
Hard to Handle II: Mastering the Art of Moving Biomass Streams Efficiently Into and Through Your Production Facility Ballroom A
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Without question, the challenges of predictably moving biomass streams to a conversion process has been an ongoing bottleneck for overall industry growth. Pilot scale operations have failed to fully illuminate the challenges that await operators and developers when the leap to commercial scale production is attempted. This panel will feature speakers with a wealth of experience in leveraging what can and cannot be discovered in pilot-scale testing to limit the number of surprises once full scale buildout begins.
Moderator: Tim Portz, Executive Director, Pellet Fuels Institute
- Heikki Hämäläinen, Business Manager, Protacon Technologies LTD
Lessons Learned from Deployment of Integrated Supply Chain Management Systems: From Finland to the U.S.
- Carrie Hartford, Senior Project Engineer, Jenike & Johanson Inc.
How to Move Beyond the Challenges of Biomass Material Handling
- Jamil Bundalli, Project Manager, Kamengo Technology Inc.
Handling Biomass: The Three Root Causes of Bin Plugging and Poor Material Discharge
- Chenlin Li, Senior Staff Engineer, Idaho National Laboratory
Feedstock-Conversion Interface Consortium: Providing Innovative Solutions to Address Biomass Quality and Operational Challenges Faced by Biorefineries
Track 3: Biogas & Waste-to-Energy
Capitalizing on the Natural Synergies between Wastewater Management and Biogas and Biofuel Production Ballroom B Read Description
Wastewater streams are rich in the organic materials that the microorganisms inside of anaerobic digesters love. Moreover, wastewater enjoys an advantage over other biomass feedstock streams in that it has already been gathered and delivered to a processing facility. This panel will examine the growing interest in expanding the role of digesters at wastewater treatment facilities from a bio solid reduction mission to an expanded effort to produce good volumes of saleable energy products.
Moderator: Nikolas Patentalakis, Commercial Director, BiogasWorld
- Joseph Curro, Principal Engineer, CDM Smith
Wastewater Biosolids Drying and Pelletization Utilizing Landfill Gas as a Fuel
- Alex Rosenthal, Senior Process Modeling Expert, inCTRL Solutions
From "I wonder what would happen" to "Wow, that's a great idea!": A Guide to Dynamic Simulation of Biogas Production Plants
- Michael Washer, Director, The Merrick Consultancy, Merrick & Company
Making Biosolids Disappear: The Magic of Hydrothermal Liquefaction
Track 4: Advanced Biofuels & Biobased Chemicals
Moon Shots: A Look at the Biomass Sector through a Lens of Unbridled Possibility Ballroom E
Read Description
Every industry relies upon the pioneering spirit, perhaps none more than the broader bioeconomy. This panel is populated by people and organizations unafraid to ask what the sector’s best case scenario might be. Dotted with presentations that evoke the “A still on every hill” ethos of the early biofuel days, this panel will paint a picture of an economy that relies upon farm and forest for not only grain and timber, but also for fuels, chemicals and power.
Moderator: Ron Kotrba, Editor, Biodiesel Magazine
- Paul Wever, President, Chip Energy Inc.
500 Billion Dollar U.S. Bioeconomy by 2020
- Jordan Thut, Pilot Plant Engineer, Attis Innovations/American Science & Technology
Lignocellulosic Bio-Refinery Scaled Up Pilot Plant Update
5:00 pm | Sessions Conclude |
7:35 pm |
Wednesday Evening Event Atlanta Braves vs. Philadelphia Phillies SunTrust Park
Tickets are available for pick up at the conference registration desk on Wednesday between 7:00 am - 1:30 pm
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